4.1 Uncertainty Has Its Good Points
I have come to what I feel is the extreme of uncertainty.  That is, a place where there is just no clear way to really find out what is the “best” solution in terms of looking around you for the “right” answer.  This extreme uncertainty might be thought of as a pivotal point in one’s self development because the choice we make will come solely from what we are going to choose to believe. What we choose will likely serve as a direction that we will be heading as we face other choices down the road of our life. 
It’s a time when we feel that we just no longer know what to believe.  It can be scary because we have a great sense that the choice really is all ours to make and that no one really has the answer that we feel we were seeking.  We are truly alone, realizing that we really do have only our self to lean on for our decision.  Regardless of what the decision is about, it is a significant decision because what we are leaning on is pure faith in our ability to choose.  Even if we have a strong faith in god, however we conceive that to be, the decision is still ours to make.