3.1 Examples Of Feelings Relating To What We Feel Is Knowledge
You meet someone and you have a great conversation and you feel good. You think that you are liked.  Instead, you are getting set up for a sales pitch. You’re happiness is real.  The reason is not.
You meet someone.  They leave abruptly.  You feel like you said something wrong because you often feel misunderstood.  You feel bad about yourself.  You are unhappy.  What is the reality of the situation?  You may never know, though never is a long time.  You get over it.  You get an email from them apologizing for leaving as they did.  You struck a chord in them and an issue they had, came up, and they felt very uncomfortable.  They thank you for your honesty because it helped them see something in themselves they’ve been avoiding.  Now you feel good.  It is the same event. All that has changed are your ideas.
Knowledge is constrained by past experience and ideas.  Beliefs need not conform to the past.  The most profound life changing experiences are those that defy what we previously felt we knew. 
Remember, it can be helpful to think of facts, truth and knowledge as terms that are references to the degree of our certainly about things rather than as statements defining reality.  This will help us keep in mind the fluid nature of what we feel we have learned, what we feel we “know”, so that we are less bound to our own ideas that may not serve us as we progress in our lives.  It can also remind us to think through for ourselves what others may suggest as fact, truth and knowledge.
Truth is defined as something that is proven to be.  It is consistent with fact or reality.  To know is to regard an idea as truth beyond doubt.  Truth and Knowledge are not the reality of things.  They are our understanding of the reality of things.  There is a great difference.  What we think of as truth and knowledge are really just a way of understanding reality.  They are based on past experience and their validity is only as good as our ability to perceive correctly. Weak perception and comprehension will still lead us to arrive at conclusions about reality, which we will think of and call truth and knowledge, yet they will not reflect a clear understanding of reality.  Since our understanding of reality is always expanding, what we commonly think of as truth and knowledge will also always be expanding.  When we work with our beliefs we are at least aware that we can choose to see things as we wish, thereby having more control over our own feelings.  When we feel that we are within the arena of knowledge and fact, we tend to lose sight of just how much our beliefs are responsible for shaping that “knowledge”.  “The great obstacle to progress is not ignorance, by the illusion of knowledge.”