1.3 Personal Bio
My preference is that you base your opinions about what you hear on the information alone and not the history of the person delivering it.  I would rather you use your own sense of rightness along with your own analytical mind as your guide.  That’s a good way to free you from what others may do and think.  In order to help you get past some of the reasons you may have to not listen deeply to what I will be presenting, I will give you some personal history.
I received a BA in Mathematics, an Masters in Business Administration (MBA), and was a CPA.  While getting my MBA I had my first remembered spiritual experience.  I experienced the feeling of being the next card in a regular deck of playing cards before looking at it.  This happened for 7 consecutive cards before I broke down in tears.  In 1992 I had a spiritual awakening that some refer to as a kundalini experience where I had the experience of being one with all of creation and that while I was experiencing life as a separate individual, my sense was that this was only because I had chosen to experience myself in such a way. 
I’ve personally had numerous experiences of living for short periods of time in worlds that are parallel and not so parallel to this world.  I used to refer to them as Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) but that’s just one way of looking at them.  They felt exactly like this world though I was able to move through walls and float, which so far I haven’t done here, at least that I remember. These experiences included times when others would remember my visiting them as a dream.
I’ve experienced many dreams of the future which have occurred.  For about 6 months I had virtually daily frequent precognition of events, including major earthquakes and floods as well as simple ordinary daily events.  I’ve also had many occasions of seeking to see in my minds eye objects and places that were randomly and not so randomly selected by others.  This is sometimes referred to as Clairvoyancy, Clairsentiency and Remote Viewing.
For day or so after my kundalini experience I could understand the thoughts of others so much so that I felt very much like I was talking to myself. Along with this, over the years, I’ve become quite empathic and have learned to trust my sense of things.
I’ve called out lottery numbers before the numbers were selected while another person was observing.  I’ve thrown dice knowing what would come up.
As a side note, being able to make money using these kinds of things was something I’ve always wanted to do, but never have I been given this information when it would have made me money.  I will say that it’s my personal belief that the universe loves us each so much that we get what we really want and not necessarily what we think we want.  They are not always the same thing.  I want a sense of safety, connection and a fulfilling purpose that I feel joy in fulfilling.  I wouldn’t receive what I really wanted were I to have been able to use precognition to make money.  I would have received what I thought I wanted, but I would not have a sense of true safety, connection and fulfilling purpose.  It’s enough for me to have experienced what is possible, or to some, impossible.  We get what we need though we may not understand that at the time.