2.5 Safety
2.5.1 Let’s Address The Safety Issue A Little More.
Knowledge is not as trustworthy as many of us have come to think.  Yet what I’ve just said is in essence a new understanding.  Perhaps the best way to say this is that understanding ourselves and how we function is the essence of true enduring knowledge.  Given that we will change as long as we exist, which I believe is forever, self knowledge is also changing.  It is within that context that we are trying to understand ourselves. 
The sense of safety is something that we each create for ourselves. Circumstances may serve to shape how we view the world and ourselves, but ultimately, we each choose how we will understand and view the events we encounter.  The challenge is in reshaping the views we have ourselves adopted and created that no longer serve us.  The world we find ourselves in has its own world view consensus.  Those are the beliefs held by the majority, which varies geographically, but also in many other ways depending on your situation.  But it is none the less just a world view and it is not realty except to the extent that you make it your reality.  This is one of the beauties of this world.  There is a great diversity of thought and therefore of experience.
Think about all the things that we believed that made us feel safe and yet were untrue.  How much of what makes us feel safe now is untrue?  With the loss of each untrue belief that formerly helped us to feel safe, we came upon a new, most likely more empowering, belief which helped us feel safer again.  The closer our beliefs are to what is ultimately true,the less we will be shaken out of our tree of safety.  
As an analogy, if we first began to travel the world, we might find ourselves feeling a bit afraid of what we might encounter.  With time, we would likely learn to feel much safer traveling to unknown lands.  Our sense of safety would begin to encompass a much larger world and also would also begin to find a much larger and less limiting foundation. 
2.5.2 An Enduring Sense Of Safety Comes From Self Trust
If we want to be happy, learning how to face change is the only means that will be useful regardless of what lies ahead.  Being confident and feeling safe in the midst of change is a great gift, but it’s a gift you have to give to yourself.  You give it to yourself by learning how to make more conscious choices about what you will choose to believe and by understanding the power of your beliefs.
There is only one person who you can be absolutely certain will be with you always and that person is you.  Now that is a loaded statement because I believe that what you are and what you think you are, are not exactly the same. So you are in the best of company though you may not realize it now.  So given that you can count on having to face experiences where you will only have yourself to rely upon, enduring safety can only be obtained by learning to trust yourself and your life.
Now I apologize for twisting your arm as I just did by showing you that you have some important choices to make.  You can either continue to not trust yourself and live your life as you have done or you can realize that eventually you will have to learn to trust yourself in all matters, so you might as well start now.
2.5.3 Self Trust. More Reasons To Trust Yourself
Self trust is important because in the process of self discovery, or in any discovery, you will encounter others who have formed opinions about life.  Each person has their own history of experience and ideas about their experience that lead them to where they are now.  Likewise, you have your own history of experiences and ideas which form the basis of you current understanding. Therefore each person will offer to you a different view to some degree. 
Individuals form groups of thought that offer fellowship held together by that common thought.  Within that group each individual has its own unique understanding for the reasons stated above, though there is a generalized commonality.  Those groups are like individuals in a way, so that relative to other groups, just like with individuals, there are differences.
Your journey incorporates individuals, ideas, beliefs, and related groupings, and especially your journey incorporates you.  You are unique.  You exist to be unique and like no other but yourself.  Your journey is your own. Make no mistake about that.  Nothing exists that is a better guide for your personal uniqueness than you.  You may choose to be guided, or even a follower of others, but there is only your way of traversing your path because that is the only path that exists for you.  All other paths are for that which is other than you.  
If you understand this, then you realize that you are on a path that is not the same as anyone else’s and therefore no one else can know what is the right choice for you.  You must be you and choose as you choose.  You are already doing that, but you may not be fully aware of the depth of what that really means to you.  You gift is that you are completely free to choose to believe whatever you wish to believe.  You may find that you have what seem to be restrictions, but you have no restrictions on what you choose to believe.  This is your true strength.  This is the magic of being you.
Trusting the prime creative force requires trusting of the self that you currently understand yourself to be.  You are the only one who ultimately must choose just how you will proceed in discovering that prime creative force, which includes all those decisions you will be making about just what is happening to you along the road of discovery.  If you do not choose what feels right to you, then you will be choosing what feels right to others, which is not self trust. Whatever you choose will have value to you.  I don’t believe that you can make a wrong choice, but you can live without experiencing the delight in trusting yourself.  It’s always your choice.  Remember, what others my find true, you may find not-so-true.
When we don’t trust ourselves, our decisions become laced with fear and we may even begin to trust the judgment of others over our own.  While it may appear at times that others may be making better decisions than we are, by lessening our sense of self trust, what we may feel we gain in the short run will be at the expense of learning to trust ourselves by making decisions based on what feels right to us.   Remember, one of the best things we can do to achieve a sense of greater safety, is to learn to face the unknown alone and with greater self trust and confidence.
2.5.4 Things To Remember
The two primary ways to face the unknown are fear versus trust.  We don’t have to be right.  We just have to choose what we will believe.  Believe in fearful ideas and we will experience the related fear, regardless of how accurate we may be. 
Remember, what we feel now is largely dependent upon our ideas about our future.  This is a main reason why many suggest living in the moment or living in the now.  By only considering the present moments one by one, we are not considering the future and so we experience less fear.  We need not avoid considering the future.  If we live believing that there are right and decisions and that we can make wrong decisions, then we will find that considering the future may be uncomfortable.  By choosing to believe that all choices lead to our advancement in ways yet to be discovered, we can experience a greater sense of curiosity about they future versus fear and apprehension. 
Remember, the only way to truly discover where ultimately our decisions will lead is to live our life.  We can live in fear of our decisions or we can trust them.  We are doing this now.  It’s my desire to have us all make it a more conscious process by helping us to see more clearly what we are already doing.